Ancient Iron Age Period of Telugu Region Dates Back 4,000 Years Ago

“Discovery of Ancient Telugu Daggers May Push Back Start of Iron Age by Thousands of Years” The Telugu Region lying in the Central Deccan area has a Rich Tradition of Iron and Steel Production since very early period. It is Dates Back Years to 4,000 Years Ago in the Telugu Region. The region has several ironrich mineral zones, which must have been exploited by the early communities for producing iron and steel. There have been studies on the Iron Production in the Telugu Region right from 1832, when H.W. Voysey published an article in the Asiatic Society of Bengal on the process of iron production at a village known as Konasamudram. Earlier studies of iron and steel production in Telangana including a survey of near about 250 sites in Northern Telengana revealed that at least 183 sites were associated with metal working (Juleff et al. 2014: 1030-1037). Iron ore is available in two types of mineral formations, i.e. the magnetite and laterite. Both the miner...